Teacher training and Special Education: analysis of the curriculum matrices of undergraduate courses at public universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro
Special Education;, Teacher Training; , Curriculum.Abstract
This article analyzes the curricula of teacher education programs offered by public higher education institutions in Rio de Janeiro, focusing on the inclusion of curricular components aimed at Special Education. The qualitative and documentary research used content analysis to examine the curricula available on the official websites of the institutions. The study seeks to identify how these programs are preparing future teachers to meet the needs of students with disabilities, considering the importance of adequate training to promote inclusive and quality education. The analysis reveals a concern with the disparity in the presence of these curricular components, highlighting the need for review and strengthening of the curricula to ensure that all educators are prepared to face the challenges of diversity in the classroom. The lack of assertive training compromises the ability of future teachers to promote inclusive and quality education. The study concludes that it is urgent to review and strengthen the curricula of teacher education programs to ensure that all educators are able to meet the diverse needs of students, thus guaranteeing an equitable and inclusive education as mandated by law.
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