Meanings of course progression on the training process of teachers in Special Education
Special Education; , Historical-Dialectical Materialism; , Socio-Historical Psychology.Abstract
This study addresses initial training in Degree courses in Special Education. This is a critical-reflexive presentation of some results from the doctoral thesis of the first author of this study. Its main objective was to understand the meanings of course coordination on the training process of teachers in Special Education. This research included the voluntary participation of a coordinator of a Degree course in Special Education linked to a federal Higher Education Institution (HEI) in person. To this end, the semi-structured interview was the research instrument used. The application took place through audio and image recording, via the Google Meet platform. With regard to data production, we used the Meaning Nuclei. We noted that, at the data production stage, we were experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic period. In this regard, it became an analytical approach involving the implications of this period for teacher training. Regarding data interpretation, we used some categories from Historical-Dialectical Materialism and Socio-Historical Psychology. The categories used in this analysis were: work, totality and historicity, mediation and contradiction, meaning and meaning. The main results indicate that, possibly, didactic-methodological disciplines are more prioritized, while theoretical-political disciplines are secondary during the teaching-learning process of undergraduate students, based on competency-based training. We conclude that the role of the Structuring Teaching Center (NDE) is fundamental in teacher training, as it can enhance transversality, permeating the concept of intersectionality in the course of producing inclusive pedagogical actions within the course throughout teacher training.
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