Executive Functions and ASD: educational contexts and teaching reflections
Funções Executivas; , Transtorno do Espectro Autista; , Campo educacional.Abstract
This article aims to present contextual analyses conducted by teachers on the development of executive functions in students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Research on executive functions is mostly conducted in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience. However, because they are of fundamental importance for the cognitive development of individuals and for the management of different aspects of human life, studies on executive functions are also of great relevance to the educational field. Therefore, in order to establish connections between the educational field and that of Cognitive Neuroscience, two theoretical approaches were adopted: Cognitive Neuroscience itself, which studies the development of executive functions, and Historical-Cultural Theory, which, based on the research of Lev Vygotsky and Alexander Luria on the development of speech, explores the subject from what these authors described as higher psychological functions. The research approach that outlined the study, of a qualitative nature, was the collaborative action research methodology, whose field of research was characterized by a teacher training course, carried out with teachers from two public elementary schools. As results, we highlight the relevance of teacher training on the development of executive functions and the importance of teacher training, so that such functions can also be stimulated in educational spaces, based on pedagogical practices aimed at this purpose
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