Inclusive Educational Practices in the context of continuing education: integrative review of studies from 2011 to 2021
Educational Practices, Continuing Education, InclusionAbstract
This article refers to a research carried out in the context of a collective of a Postgraduate Education Program of a private university in the South of Brazil and developed in the discipline of Teacher Training, offered by face-to-face classes in 2022/A. It was proposed to identify and analyze the inclusive educational practices used in the field of continuing education, reported in scientific articles published in online journals in the SciELO database, in the period from 2011 to 2021. To this end, we chose the integrative review method, which was divided into three specific stages aiming at the rigor of the research progress: definition of the theme and the research question, definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and search procedures in the SciELO database, including in this phase the categorization of articles and analysis and interpretation of results. The data obtained from the six articles allowed a synthetic presentation of the results obtained in light of educational practices and continuing education in the context of inclusion and Brazilian legislation. The analysis revealed the absence of research regarding inclusive and (un)successful educational practices from the point of view of students who need specialized educational assistance. The analysis of the articles published in the aforementioned database also shows the lack of continuing education courses through educational practices in the field of inclusion. Therefore, the training made available to the teacher is unidirectional in the educator's relationship with the learner, moderately contributing to the enrichment of inclusive education.
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