Pedagogical Activities in Elementary Education for Deaf Students: Production of Mathematics Didactic Material for a bilingual teaching practice
Courseware, Deaf Education, Teaching MathematicsAbstract
Education for the Deaf in Brazil has increasingly approached bilingual practices, providing the linguistic, identity and cultural construction of the deaf. This educational philosophy is based on the demands that this community has historically presented. Thus, this article specifically addresses the teaching of Mathematics, based on didactic material that was constructed in a bilingual perspective for Deaf students in the 1st year of Elementary School. Thus, we present some reflections on bilingual teaching and what a teaching practice can contribute to the formation of Deaf students. We also highlight aspects of the constructed didactic material that, together with an intentional teaching practice, favor the implementation of a bilingual didactic proposal. In this sense, we highlight the importance of visuality as a Deaf artifact, which brings foundations for a Deaf pedagogy and the creation of imagery frameworks that support the construction and dissemination of communication processes in sign language. Mathematics is a subject that most students struggle with. Many questions are related to this fact, however, we highlight the language itself that involves symbols and forms of expressions. Thus, the proposal presented in this research report, seeks to show the work between multiple languages, Mathematics, sign language, Portuguese language, always supported by the matrix of visual language. Finally, we believe that knowing the characteristics of Deaf students and building specific materials that meet their demand from this group, and promote teaching and learning didactics, which manage to achieve the learning expectations of the teaching stage and provide a global development of these students teaching.
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