Special Education Policy: A Comparing Espírito Santo (Brazil) and Connecticut (United States)
International Comparative Education, Educational Public Policies, Special educationAbstract
This article aims to analyze the materialization of public educational policies for Special Education, regarding the access of students with disabilities, in the state of Espírito Santo (Brazil) and Connecticut (United States). The analysis had as a time frame the academic year 2018 in Brazil and 2018-2019 in the United States. The theoretical-methodological perspective adopted is that of an international comparative study. The methodological path starts with comparing the Special Education policies of the two countries; then, there is the presentation of enrollment data for the target audience of Special Education; and finally, there is a discussion about the data, outlining similarities and differences of the studied realities. Through this study, it was concluded that the concept of student target audience of Special Education and its typologies differ in the two countries and this reflects in the number of enrollments in the modality's basic education. Another difference pointed out is related to the predominant ethnicity/race in Special Education, being white and Hispanic in the United States and black and brown in Brazil. Although it is the responsibility of the State to offer Special Education in both countries, the constitution of the school space differs in the form of care and services aimed at this audience.
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