Ordinary Classroom teachers and their sayings: Specialized Educational Services in Multifunctional Resources Classrooms


  • Andréia Heiderscheidt Fuck Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE
  • Aliciene Fusca Machado Cordeiro Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE




Teacher’s work, Multifunctional resources classrooms, Specialized educational services.


This paper presents what Ordinary Classroom teachers say about Specialized Educational Services (SES) in Multifunctional Resources Classrooms (MRC). Its main goal is to investigate what these teachers know and expect regarding this service in the school context. For data construction, questionnaires were applied to 144 teachers from 1st to 5th year of public municipal schools of Joinville and were analyzed based on a content analysis method proposed by Franco (2012). Results show that Ordinary Classroom teachers know that SES in MRC are intended to students considered as target-audience of Special Education and has, as one of its objectives, to provide resources and adaptations. However, they expect that this service eliminates these student’s needs/difficulties in order to develop learning. It was concluded that issues raised by the teachers who participated of this research seem consistent towards the actual functions of specialized teachers, but it’s imperative to understand that this responsability permeates the entire school organization, involving all professionals inserted in this process. Still, the insufficiency of exchange/partnership between Ordinary Classroom teachers and MRC teachers was evident, as well as the need for more information and formation in the school context, that focuses on teacher’s work in a collaborative perspective.


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Author Biographies

Andréia Heiderscheidt Fuck, Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE

Professora Especialista em Atendimento Educacional Especializado

Aliciene Fusca Machado Cordeiro, Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE

Doutora em Psicologia da Educação



How to Cite

Fuck, A. H., & Cordeiro, A. F. M. (2015). Ordinary Classroom teachers and their sayings: Specialized Educational Services in Multifunctional Resources Classrooms. Special Education Magazine, 28(52), 393–404. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984686X16093