Influence of basic density and chemical composition of wood for the pulp industry: a case study
Wood quality, Eucalyptus, Pinus, CelluloseAbstract
The Eucalyptus and Pinus genera represent the main wood species which form the planted forests used by the pulp and paper sector in Brazil, and so many studies are conducted correlating the wood technological characteristics, the pulping process variables, and the pulp quality. The objective of this study was to perform a bibliographic review on studies that relate the basic density and chemical composition of wood with the pulping process variables and the pulp characteristics. The exploratory study principle was implemented through a literature review. The main studies found in this review showed that the best Eucalyptus clones used in the pulp industry had a basic density between 400 and 550 kg.m-³, unbleached pulp yield between 45 and 55%, kappa number 17-18, and brown pulp viscosity greater than 1200³. The best Pinus clones presented basic density varying between 370 and 440 kg.m-³, lower than the variation observed for Eucalyptus; a similar pulp yield to studies with Eucalyptus, varying between 45 and 51%; and kappa number 30-32, higher than that used in cooking with Eucalyptus wood. The results obtained in this work allowed to conclude that basic density was the most used wood characteristic in the pulp industries to guide the process yield, while the extractive content and the ratio of syringyl (S) and guaiacyl (G) units in lignin (S/G ratio) were little presented in research.
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