
  • Silvana Lucia Caldato UFSM
  • Solon Jonas Longhi
  • Paulo Alfonso Floss




Population structure, Ocotea porosa, size phases.


The present work aimed to study the population structure of Ocotea porosa (Nees) L. Barroso in the Mixed Ombrophylous Forest, located at Caçador Forest Reserve in Santa Catarina State. The method of the conglomerate sample units, composite at 4 subunits (20 x 500 m) distributed in four cardinal directions was adopted. A total of 8 subunits were installed, composing two conglomerates and adding 8 hectares of sample area. The central line in the length of the subunits was demarcated to each 20 meters with a permanent stake, this way, each subunits was divided into 50 plots of 10 x 20 m, completing a total of 400 plots of 200 m2. In each plot all the individuals of O. porosa of size equal or higher than 10 cm of height were notified, being measured the stem diameter and/or height. The results have shown a prevalence of juveniles phases and intermediary diameters in the structure of the population.


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How to Cite

Caldato, S. L., Longhi, S. J., & Floss, P. A. (1999). POPULATION STRUCTURE OF Ocotea porosa (LAURACEAE) IN A MIXED OMBROPHYLOUS FOREST IN CAÇADOR (SC). Ciência Florestal, 9(1), 89–101. https://doi.org/10.5902/19805098369




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