Structure of the arboreal community and edge effect in Semidecidual Seasonal Forests
Species-area curve, Dendrogram of similarity, PhytosociologyAbstract
Edge effects are environmental settings that, in turn, alter the structure and composition of marginal vegetation in a forest. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify the length, in meters, in the strip exposed to the edge effect in two fragments of the Seasonal Semideciduous Forest. The report was carried out in two different areas. In such areas, 30 plots of 10 x 10 m were plotted, demarcated from the floral border, arranged in three transects, where all individuals with a circumference at 1.30 m in height and diameter ≥ 15 cm were sampled and cut. For an evaluation of the floristic scope of the method and the sampling sufficiency, a curve of specific area was elaborated, based on the distance in relation to the border and the regression that best fits the curve was calculated. Then, two similarity dendrograms were prepared, based on the presence/absence of species in each plot and the number of plots per plot. In total, 955 tree isolates were sampled. An area curve of one of the study sites stabilized after 40 m shows that there were no new species in this range. However, a curve resumed an increase from 50 m. In another area, the richness stabilization of the plots occurred at 60 m from the edge, with an increase in new species at 70 m. In one of the evaluated areas, the edge effect reached 30 m towards the interior of the forest, while in the second evaluated area, the distance was 70 m.
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