
  • Allyson Rocha Alves
  • Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira
  • José Antônio Aleixo da Silva
  • José Carlos Batista Dubeux Júnior
  • Josy Anteveli Osajima
  • Alan Cauê de Holanda



above ground biomass, nutrient stock, nutrient use


It was aimed to know the content of mineral nutrients in the components of the biomass of the aerial part of the species of the biggest value of importance in two areas of Caatinga and to evaluate the efficiency of these plants in the use of these nutrients. The research was carried through Itapemirim farm in Floresta, Pernambuco state, where two areas of vegetation of Caatinga inside the farm were studied, presenting distinct characteristics, one in period of training of regeneration, and the other one was preserved. In the sampling, an initial inventory was made launching 40 parcels of 400m2 in each area, having as level of inclusion CBH ≥ 6.0 cm. For the analysis of  biomass, it was used the five species of the biggest value of importance of each area, the choice of the individuals was at random and each chosen plant had measured its circumference the height of the chest and in the base. In the process of weighing and sampling the components of the aerial part, the chosen trees had been knocked down and after that, their components were all weighed and a sample was removed for the chemical analyses. In this study, it was observed that the initial survey in the two areas, bracteosa Poincianella was the species that presented greater content of nutrients in the total biomass above the ground in both the areas. The component twig was of bigger contribution in the content of nutrients in the total biomass, being N the accumulated nutrient more in the component leaf, and in timber components in both the areas, once the nutrients that presented the greatest efficiency for their use in the plants studied in both the areas, were S and P.


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How to Cite

Alves, A. R., Ferreira, R. L. C., da Silva, J. A. A., Dubeux Júnior, J. C. B., Osajima, J. A., & de Holanda, A. C. (2017). CONTENT OF NUTRIENTS IN THE BIOMASS AND NUTRITIONAL EFFICIENCY IN SPECIES OF ‘CAATINGA’ BIOME. Ciência Florestal, 27(2), 377–390.




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