
  • Taiane Pires de Freitas de Oliveira
  • Deborah Guerra Barroso
  • Kelly Ribeiro Lamônica
  • Virgínia Silva Carvalho
  • Marcos André de Oliveira




vegetative propagation, minicutting, rooting.



The Handroanthus heptaphyllus Mattos know as “ipê-roxo” is usually propagated by seeds. An propagation alternative for species. Is the vegetative propagation, technique that stimulates seedling production on a commercial scale besides the expected gain in characteristic as the uniformity of seedlings in the nursery. The objective of this work was the evaluation the effect of different   concentrations of indol-3-butiric acid (AIB) on the apical minicutting rooting of this species. The cuttings were collected from the first ministumps shoots of the minigarden conducted in tubes, 231 days after germination.  After the collect the minicuttings were submitted to five AIB concentrations (0; 2,000; 4,000; 6,000 and 8,000 mg L-1). Then were planted in tubes with Basaplant Forest® substrate and slow release fertilizer (Osmocote® 14-14-14). The experiment was carried out in a completely randonmized design with four replicates constituted by ten minicuttings. At 30 days the minicuttings were evaluated about survival, number of roots of the first and second orders, length of first order root and dry mass of the root system. At four months the cuttings were evaluated in height, root-collar diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, stem dry weight, number and length of first order roots and root dry weight. More than 95% survival the minicuttings was observed at 30 days in all treatments, and 80% of them rooted without IBA. However, the number of the second order roots was higher in cuttings submitted to 8,000 mg L-1.  The use of IBA is not a condition for rooting of H. heptaphyllus cuttings, although it results in seedlings with longer roots of the first order and number of roots of the second order in the concentration of 8000 mg L-1.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira, T. P. de F., Barroso, D. G., Lamônica, K. R., Carvalho, V. S., & Oliveira, M. A. de. (2015). EFFECT OF INDOL-3- BUTIRIC ACID (AIB) ON THE ROOTING OF ‘IPÊ-ROXO” (<i>Handroanthus heptaphyllus</i> MATTOS ) MINICUTTINGS. Ciência Florestal, 25(4), 1043–1051. https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509820666



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