
  • Ugo Leandro Belini UFSM
  • Mario Tomazello Filho



MDF panels, eucalypt fibers, technology properties.


MDF panels of Eucalyptus grandis wood fibers were made in either experimentally in a laboratory or on an industrial production line. In order to analyze the influence of the production condition, the anatomical, physical and mechanical properties of the panels were determined. The wood refining induced the transversal rupture of the transversal fiber wall. The MDF panels obtained from the industrial production line presented less swelling in thickness and absorption values and improved mechanical properties in the requirements of bending strength, module of elasticity and surface resistance. For laboratory MDF panels, it was possible to verify a statistically significant correlation between bending strength and module of elasticity, medium density and internal bond and swelling in thickness and absorption. This tendency was also true for the MDF panels obtained in real conditions of production, however without statistical significance. By comparing the quality properties of MDF panels produced in the laboratory with those obtained in real conditions of production, it was sought to standardize the established variables for obtaining panels on a small scale, as well to make possible the safe transfer and divulgation of information obtained in the laboratory.


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How to Cite

Belini, U. L., & Tomazello Filho, M. (2010). TECHNOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF Eucalyptus grandis WOOD MDF PANELS MANUFACTURED IN LABORATORY AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION LINE. Ciência Florestal, 20(3), 493–500.




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