
  • Solon Jonas Longhi UFSM
  • Eleandro José Brun
  • Diógenes Maurice Oliveira
  • Luis Eduardo Britto Fialho
  • Julio César Wojciechowski
  • Sandro Vaccaro



soil seed bank, arboreal trees, sucessional phases, Seasonal Deciduous Forest.


With the objective of evaluating soil seed bank and understanding aspects of the sucessional dynamics of a Seasonal Deciduous Forest, 60 samples of 1 m2 were collected at the end of each season, in three sucessional phases (understory, secondary forest and mature forest). In each sample point it was collected the litter and the first 3 cm of soil. In laboratory at UFSM the material was placed to germinate, separately, in stonemasons of wood of 1 m2, that contained 5 cm of horizon B soil as substratum. The stonemasons were covered with sombrite of 50% for understory, 70% for the secondary forest and 80% for the mature forest. There were made qualitative and quantitative evaluations, by species and sample unit, 20 days after placing in nursery and afterward every 30 days. The frequency and relative density, the Index of Value of Importance for the seed bank and the Index of Diversity of Shannon were calculated. There were 216 individuals, most of them in the mature forest, which also presented the largest floristic richness. In the three subseres, there was predominance of secondary initial species. The spring season presented the largest abundance of species; however, in summer happened the largest density of individuals per area.


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How to Cite

Longhi, S. J., Brun, E. J., Oliveira, D. M., Fialho, L. E. B., Wojciechowski, J. C., & Vaccaro, S. (2005). SOIL SEED BANK OF THREE SUCESSIONAL PHASES IN A SEASONAL DECIDUOUS FOREST IN SANTA TEREZA, RS. Ciência Florestal, 15(4), 359–370.




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