
  • César Augusto Guimarães Finger UFSM
  • Paulo Renato Schneider
  • Alencar Garlet
  • Jackson Roberto Eleotério
  • Rute Berger



Pinus elliottii, direct sowing, survival.


This experiment was undertaken to test the possibility of use of direct field sowing as a method of  forest formation. The soil preparation consisted of mechanic mowing followed by cleaning of small circles of 40 cm of diameter, where four seeds of Pinus elliottii Engelm were sowed, previously stratified, and protected by a bottomless plastic glass fastened to the sowing point. The treatments tested were direct sowing, sowing of seeds involved by paper envelop and seedling plantation as testify treatment. The results were not satisfactory, however, being observed at the most 38.46% of the sowing places with seedlings after 84 days of sowing. The main factor that contribuited to the failure of the method was seedling mortality caused by water deficit and high temperatures.


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How to Cite

Finger, C. A. G., Schneider, P. R., Garlet, A., Eleotério, J. R., & Berger, R. (2005). ESTABLISHMENT OF Pinus elliottii Engelm STANDS WITH DIRECT FIELD SOWING. Ciência Florestal, 13(1), 107–113.




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