
  • Adriana Leandra de Assis UFSM
  • José Roberto Soares Scolforo
  • José Márcio de Mello
  • Antônio Donizette de Oliveira




non-segmented polynomial model, taper models.


This study aimed at constructing equations with fractionary, unitary and ten magnitude power, in an attempt of representing the top, medium and basis portion of the stem; at constructing polynomial equations compatible with volume equations; at evaluating the accuracy of three non-segmented polynomial taper models for estimating diameters and volumes along the stem of Pinus taeda; and at verifying if the more accurated model for diameters estimates is also the more accurated for estimating partial and total volumes. The database used was composed of 58 trees of Pinus taeda cubed by the Smalian’s method, in the farms of “PISA – Papel de Imprensa S/A” enterprise, located in Jaguariaíva county (PR). The 58 trees were separated in 8 diameter classes. The models were fitted for each diameter class and for the total group of data. Three non-segmented polynomial models were tested: Schöepfer (1966); Hradetzky (1976); and Goulding and Murray (1976). The accuracy of the models in estimating diameters and volumes along the stem of Pinus taeda was evaluated through the following statistics: coefficient of determination; residual standard error; graphic analysis of the medium profile of the stem; mean deviation of the diameters and volumes for each position along the stem; standard deviation of the differences of the diameters and volumes; sum of square of the relative residue; and percentage of the residues of the diameters and volumes. Starting from the last four statistics, it was elaborated a ranking to detect the more accurated model for each position along the stem. It can be pointed out that among the non-segmented models tested, the model of Hradetzky (1976) is more stable than the others in the estimates of the two studied variables. Goulding and Murray (1976) model presented accurated estimates of diameters and volumes along the whole stem profile only when fitted by diameter classes. The model proposed by Schöepfer (1965) showed biased estimates along the whole stem profile, in all diameter classes.


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How to Cite

Assis, A. L. de, Scolforo, J. R. S., Mello, J. M. de, & Oliveira, A. D. de. (2002). EVALUATION OF NON-SEGMENTED POLYNOMIAL TAPER MODELS FOR ESTIMATING COMMERTIAL DIAMETERS AND VOLUMES OF Pinus taeda. Ciência Florestal, 12(1), 89–107. https://doi.org/10.5902/198050981704




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