Development of a low-cost Vicat apparatus with alternative instrumentation: initial set test in cement paste




Education, Low-cost instrumentation, Setting time of cement paste, Vicat apparatus


The lack of infrastructure and equipment resources, whether for teaching or research, significantly impacts the quality of education. It affects teacher training, access to educational materials, the learning environment, and educational inequalities, thereby undermining the development and success of teaching and learning processes. In this increasingly common scenario, there is a need for the development of low-cost alternative instrumentation, providing an immediate solution to address these shortages. In the context of teaching and learning, this mechanism aids in fostering creativity, adapting education to the local context, and offering more meaningful practical and theoretical learning experiences, as it integrates theory, practice, and creativity. In this perspective, the fundamental proposal of the work is to construct a low-cost experimental apparatus designed to analyze the initial setting time of cement pastes. To compare the performance of this experimental apparatus with that of a commercially available device, the results were analyzed and benchmarked against the literature, yielding a favorable outcome for the use of the proposed equipment.


Author Biographies

Matheus Amancio Correa Neres, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Graduation in progress in Mechanical Engineering at UFSM.

Jocenir Boita, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Assistant professor at the physics department at UFSM


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How to Cite

Neres, M. A. C., & Boita, J. (2024). Development of a low-cost Vicat apparatus with alternative instrumentation: initial set test in cement paste. Ciência E Natura, 46(esp. 3), e87043.

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