A Synthesis of Applied Nanotechnology to Electronics





Nanostructures, Electrical Properties, Nanotechnology


Nanotechnology is the control of small-scale matter as atomic and molecular. She works in the development of materials and components for various areas of knowledge such as electronics, catalysis, medicine and other areas. Being one of the most benefited electronics. The application of nanotechnology in electronics has brought new concepts to the area allowing to minimize electronic devices, use of semiconductors, conductors, diodes, transistors and other components built in small scales, it can be observed that they are presented smaller and lighter, and more efficient. This technology is increasingly being improved, as all tests show that materials thus converted to nanoscale are more efficient in their performance.


Author Biographies

Ingridi dos Santos Kremer, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria -  Campus Cachoeira do Sul

Eloisa da Rosa, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria -  Campus Cachoeira do Sul

Silvana Maldaner, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria -  Campus Cachoeira do Sul

Glauber Rodrigues de Quadros, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria -  Campus Cachoeira do Sul

Lucinéia Fabris, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria -  Campus Cachoeira do Sul

Lucas Tavares Cardoso, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria -  Campus Cachoeira do Sul

Jocenir Boita, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria -  Campus Cachoeira do Sul


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How to Cite

Kremer, I. dos S., Rosa, E. da, Maldaner, S., Quadros, G. R. de, Fabris, L., Cardoso, L. T., & Boita, J. (2020). A Synthesis of Applied Nanotechnology to Electronics. Ciência E Natura, 42, e25. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X40594

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