Need for hospital beds for Covid-19 estimated by the epidemiological model SEIR adapted for the city of Pelotas
ICU hospital beds, covid-19, SEIR, Stochastic processAbstract
One of the challenges faced by the covid-19 pandemic was the provision of hospital beds to cope with the disease and to avoid overloading the health system. We aimed to present a projection platform for hospital beds, developed to help the municipality of Pelotas, in Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil, in establishing the maximum number of ICU beds needed at the peak of the epidemic in the city. The SEIR epidemiological model adapted with a stochastic process was used for the parameters of the transmission dynamics. We relied on a Shiny Application to host the platform that allows the user to adjust all parameters used in the model. In early April 2020, we estimated 100 ICU beds will be needed at the peak of the epidemic in Pelotas. The platform, including the parameters used, was constantly updated as the epidemic and scientific knowledge about the disease progressed. The platform was one of the tools used by the Scientific Team of the Internal Committee for Monitoring the Evolution of the Coronavirus Pandemic at UFPel for decision-making and dissemination of technical notes to the press.Downloads
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- 2022-04-06 (2)
- 2021-11-08 (1)
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