
  • Guilherme Jahnecke Weymar Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS/ Estudante
  • Bardo Ernst Josef Bodmann UFRGS/Professor
  • Daniela Buske UFPel/Professora
  • Jonas da Costa Carvalho UFPel/Professor
  • Marco Túllio Menna Barreto de Vilhena UFRGS/Professor



Advection-diffusion equation. Photochemical reaction. Analytical solution. GILTT method.


This paper presents an analytical solution for three-dimensional advection-diffusion equation applied to the dispersion of reactive pollutants emitted into the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (PBL). Some substances when emitted in PBL suffer photochemical reactions, so a source term is included in the advection-diffusion equation to represent this reaction, turning the model more realistic. The pollutant concentration fields obtained by the proposed solution are compared with the mixing ratio data obtained by monitoring the air quality in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. With the analysis of the results can be seen that the inclusion of the term proposed to represent a photochemical reaction of a reactive pollutant, a is a new proposal for the prediction of pollutant concentration in PBL.


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Author Biographies

Guilherme Jahnecke Weymar, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS/ Estudante

Estudante de Doutorado, área Fenômenos de Transporte, PROMEC - UFRGS.

Bardo Ernst Josef Bodmann, UFRGS/Professor

Professor PROMEC - UFRGS.

Daniela Buske, UFPel/Professora

Professora PPGMMat - UFPel

Jonas da Costa Carvalho, UFPel/Professor

Professor PPGMET - UFPel

Marco Túllio Menna Barreto de Vilhena, UFRGS/Professor

Professor PROMEC - UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Weymar, G. J., Bodmann, B. E. J., Buske, D., Carvalho, J. da C., & Vilhena, M. T. M. B. de. (2016). ANALYTICAL SOLUTION FOR A POLLUTANT DISPERSION MODEL WITH PHOTOCHEMICAL REACTION IN THE ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY LAYER. Ciência E Natura, 38, 177–181.

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