
  • Daniela Buske UFPel
  • Cláudio Zen Petersen UFPel
  • Régis Sperotto de Quadros UFPel
  • Glênio Aguiar Gonçalves UFPel
  • Juliana Ávila Contreira UFPel



Analytical solution. GILTT. Convergence analysis.


In this paper, we present a convergence analysis of the GILTT method for pollutant dispersion problems consolidating the solution of the problem in analytical representation. There have been many advances in the GILTT technique over the past few years. The advection-diffusion equation was solved for the multidimensional case and applied to various situations, mainly in pollutant dispersion. The theorem of Cauchy-Kowalewsky guarantees the existence and uniqueness of an analytic solution for the advection-diffusion equation. In this paper, we present a convergence analysis for the GILTT method to pollutant dispersion problems. Numerical results are presented.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Buske, UFPel

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Modelagem Matemática, PPGMMat, UFPel, Pelotas/RS/Brasil

Cláudio Zen Petersen, UFPel

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Modelagem Matemática, PPGMMat, UFPel, Pelotas/RS/Brasil

Régis Sperotto de Quadros, UFPel

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Modelagem Matemática, PPGMMat, UFPel, Pelotas/RS/Brasil

Glênio Aguiar Gonçalves, UFPel

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Modelagem Matemática, PPGMMat, UFPel, Pelotas/RS/Brasil

Juliana Ávila Contreira, UFPel

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Modelagem Matemática, PPGMMat, UFPel, Pelotas/RS/Brasil


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How to Cite

Buske, D., Petersen, C. Z., Quadros, R. S. de, Gonçalves, G. A., & Contreira, J. Ávila. (2016). CONVERGENCE ANALYSIS OF THE GILTT METHOD FOR PROBLEMS IN POLLUTANT DISPERSION IN THE ATMOSPHERE. Ciência E Natura, 38, 182–189.

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