Pollutants dispersion simulation in an eulerian model considering eddy diffusivities that depend of the source distance and the wind meandering phenomenon


  • Viliam Cardoso da Silveira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Gervásio Annes Degrazia Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Daniela Buske Universidade Federal de Pelotas, RS




Pollutants dispersion, Advection-diffusion equation, 3D-GILTT technique


The aim of this work is to simulate the pollutants dispersion in an Eulerian model considering the wind meandering phenomenon and eddy diffusivities in terms of source distance. The pollutants dispersion model solve analytically the adcevction-diffusion equation by 3D-GILTT technique. To consider the wind meandering in the dispersion model, we decompose the wind in the u and v
components and we calculate the autocorrelation functions and wind spectra. The results show a good agreement between the observed and simulated concentrations.


Author Biographies

Viliam Cardoso da Silveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS

Departamento de meteorologia, meteorologia em geral com foco em micrometeorologia e dispersão de poluentes

Gervásio Annes Degrazia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS

Departamento de meteorologia

Daniela Buske, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, RS

Grupo de dispersão e modelagem da dispersão de poluentes


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How to Cite

Silveira, V. C. da, Degrazia, G. A., & Buske, D. (2018). Pollutants dispersion simulation in an eulerian model considering eddy diffusivities that depend of the source distance and the wind meandering phenomenon. Ciência E Natura, 40, 126–131. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X30719

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