Student reflections: participation in a higher course in Sciences - Biology and Chemistry at IEAA/UFAM
Graduation, Teacher training, Financial stabilityAbstract
This article is part of a module covered in a monograph at the end of the course. 29 students participated in the research, assuming a qualitative research. For data analysis, the content analysis technique was used. The results indicate that when thinking about academic training from the insertion in a course at a higher level, whether or not a degree, it makes all the difference, since students consider professional qualification as a differential in the individual's life providing new possibilities to enter the job market. In addition, the choice of the Science: Biology and Chemistry course would be a good option because it is a specific area with few qualified professionals to work in the region, thus allowing an opportunity to stabilize financially.
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- 2022-09-23 (2)
- 2022-08-15 (1)
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