Law, politics, and tradition: parallels between Edmund Burke and Schopenhauer




Reason, Tradition, Liberalism, Conservatism


Initially it is examined the schopenhauerian political philosophy as exposed in The world as will and representantion. At this point, there is strong differences with Burke, specially the concern about the ends which legitimate the State. However, in Parerga and Paralipomena, Schopenhauer assumes opinions extremely similar to those defended by Burke in Reflexions. Because of such resemblance, it is concluded that the Schopenhauer’s late political thought adds not so much to Burke’s political thought, although schopenhauerian philosophy provides the anthropological foundations which burkean thought needs.


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Author Biography

Rogério Moreira Orrutea Filho, State University of Londrina, Londrina, PR

PhD student of Philosophy at State University of Londrina, Londrina, PR


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How to Cite

Orrutea Filho, R. M. (2020). Law, politics, and tradition: parallels between Edmund Burke and Schopenhauer. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 11(2), 510–528.