Practical metaphysics in Schopenhauer: compassion, sexual love and magic as phenomena of the metaphysical identity of the will
Simpatia, Metafísica Prática, SchopenhauerAbstract
The aim of this article is to investigate the passage that affirms the possibility of empirical manifestations of the metaphysical identity of the will as a means by which it is possible to experience in the reality of the effective world (Wirklichkeit) the fundamental volitional nexus, the guiding thread of appearances; or in other words: compassion, sexual love and magic are "practical metaphysics". If through sympathy we effectively experience our rootedness in the world, then this connection cannot be that offered by any clairvoyance (Besonnenheit) or science, but throws us unceremoniously into an obscure labyrinth, whose confused representations are devoid of causal or logical coherence. In these rare moments we are facing a practical mystique, as proposed by Schopenhauer.Downloads
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