Deep fake, personality rights and criminal law: an analysis of technological impacts in the digital age
Deep Fake, Personality Rights, Criminal Law, Technology, Privacy, EthicsAbstract
Technology has brought significant changes to society, and one of these innovations, known as Deep Fake, is highlighted in contemporary discussions. This article aims to analyze the impacts of Deep Fake technology in the context of personality rights and Criminal Law. With the advent of the digital era, the creation of hyper-realistic synthetic videos and audio has raised ethical, legal and social questions. In this scenario, it is essential to understand how Deep Fake technology affects fundamental rights, such as people's privacy, image and reputation, as well as how Criminal Law deals with this phenomenon. The study will address the concepts and evolution of Deep Fake technology, examining emblematic cases of its misuse. Furthermore, it will investigate the implications for personality rights, highlighting the need to adapt Criminal Law to face this new threat. The methodology used was hypothetical-deductive, through the theoretical-bibliographic method, with data collection carried out on academic search websites, libraries and scientific journals that address the topic. Finally, the article will propose recommendations and solutions to protect individuals against the abuse of Deep Fake technology and guarantee the preservation of personality rights in the digital age.
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