



Evaluation during. Budgeting. Democratic citizen participation. Public policies. Programming.


This work proposes the inclusion of an element that is considered essential in public policies: evaluation during the implementation process, while warning about other problems that accompany them and that have not been properly resolved, such as the correct identification and delimitation of the problem; its birth and gestation; the times for its development; the lack of citizen participation, especially in its construction and implementation, and the evaluation itself. Taking as reference several definitions and processes, a new model and a new process are suggested, where democratic citizen participation is essential. This does not happen regularly, and public policies are debated between government actions that seek only to preserve power and not to develop the State, which should be its main purpose. In the end, it’s possible to see that multiconceptual definitions and the myriad of processes proposed, while helping to enrich their definition, have made confusion and inefficiency possible.


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Author Biography


Doutor em Ciências Sociais pela Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Economista y polítólogo, Profesor Investigador por la Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, México. Departamento de Gobierno y Administración.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez, M. E. (2020). EVALUATION DURING: THE HEART OF PUBLIC POLICIES TOWARDS A GENERAL MODEL FOR THE CREATION OF PUBLIC POLICIES. Revista Eletrônica Do Curso De Direito Da UFSM, 15(1), e47071. https://doi.org/10.5902/1981369447071



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