Capitalist Labour Law, Personnel, Subordination.Abstract
These are preliminary results, which are part of a large study under development, about the employment relationship and the instrument used for its implementation: the employment contract. Through the analysis of the elements of the labor contract, the legal nature of the contract is questioned and questioned, ascertaining the existence of the requisites necessary to its framework as legal business, providing an understanding of the real viability of the affirmation that the contract of employment , effectively, can be considered a contract, that is, kind of legal business. Research, also under the aegis of the Capitalist Labor Law, analyzes the factico-juridical elements of personnel and subordination, observing its attributions in the regulation and suppression of rights. In the same way, it observes the characteristics of this branch of law that makes possible the continuation of the dominant mode of production, stressing the need for caution in the implementation of the reforms introduced in 2017 for the proper maintenance of the current state of society.
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