Brazil, Evangelicalism, Impeachment, Misogyny, Patriarchy.Abstract
The article looks at the post-impeachment Brazilian political-social scenario of 2016, seeking to understand the conditioning causes of this process and its reflexes in Brazilian politics and society. It aims to respond to the following research problem: to what extent the process of impeachment that took place in Brazil in 2016, rather than a simple juridical-political process, represented a milestone in (re) articulation and advancement of patriarchalism, anchored especially in an alliance between the ultraliberals and the fundamentalists that, based on a misogynist and conservative rhetoric, paved the way for the advancement of the policies of dismantling the social state that was minimally structured in Brazil, evidencing the occurrence of a process called, based on the social-democratic theory of Nancy Fraser, for "political evangelicalism"? To answer the question, the text is structured in three parts: at first, it performs an analysis of patriarchalism, considering that it is the (still) predominant model in Brazilian society; in a second moment, it addresses the juridical-political events of the impeachment suffered by Dilma Rousseff, demonstrating that this process was formed from a (re) articulation of the advance of the patriarchal forces; finally, it presents "political evangelicalism", as coined by Nancy Fraser, as the movement that sustains patriarchalism, insofar as it makes possible the alliance of religious fundamentalism with the movement of ultraliberal advancement. In the research, the phenomenological method is used, notably from the contributions of Martin Heidegger and Hans-Georg Gadamer.
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