Iconophotology: between the poetical lógos, the eikón, and the photographic techné
https://doi.org/10.5902/1983734838906Parole chiave:
Iconophotology, Photographic poem, Poetry, Photography, IconologyAbstract
This article proposes a new approach to reading texts from extemporaneous periods and, for this, it was necessary to create new terms that corresponded to this expectation: iconophotology and photographic poems. For a contemporary reader to read and understand rhetorical texts of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, he would have to have access to sign keys to which only his readers had access: iconologies. However, this reference has been lost, so we replaced it with another one, based on the photographic-imagery collection that we have today and that we call iconophotological. From it, it will be possible to read, from the contemporary point of view (not from a 17th century point of view, for example) the poems we call photographic.
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