Children, comics and rurality: Four fragments of the stories I've lived to become what I am


  • Leonardo Charréu Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul



Childhood, Schooling, Rurality, Autobiography


This is an article written in the first person and adopts a literary perspective, that one greatly defended by Elliot Eisner, from which he, like myself, believed it was also possible to narrate science. Therefore, neither Eisner nor Max Van Manen, this phenomenologist of education as a lived experience, will appear to punctuate my text. But I solemnly declare that this text is indebted to them of their implicit substance. Consequently, it is a clean and living text, without voices of the dead theoreticians, which is the same as saying without bibliography. It is, therefore, dangerously anti-academic in the sense of having to be sprinkled with references, citations and other meta-narratives to be considered "scientific." It seeks the coherence of originality and is precisely conscious that each one’s life is unique and unrepeatable. And I think that it was linking those fragments that the answer to the thematic challenge launched by this journal could be found: how we become art educators.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Charréu, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul

Licenciado em Belas Artes pela Universidade do Porto, mestre em História da Arte pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Doutor em Belas Artes pela Universidade de Barcelona e em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade de Évora



How to Cite

Charréu, L. (2018). Children, comics and rurality: Four fragments of the stories I’ve lived to become what I am. Revista Digital Do LAV, 11(2), 135–146.

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