The beautiful gesture of corazoning and the risk of reintroducing the reason-emotion binarism




Corazonar, Other epistemologies, Intellectual task, Binarism


This article takes up the provocation of the indigenous teacher Tule Abadio Green Stocel, for whom "going to the other and returning from the other" is not an intellectual problem, but a problem of the heart. From there, suggests on the fact that studying the other is something different from understanding them. It involves getting to know the lives of and with people. For him, research means changing the heart, the methodology. This sounds beautiful and has given rise to corazonar as a method developed by the Ecuadorian musician and anthropologist Guerrero Arias, an expression close to the frontier thinking that we suppose is necessary for this "going back and forth to the other", to understand the way subjects understand reality and offer creative responses based on their own thinking, but at the same time, it leads us to ask ourselves: doesn't this reintroduce the old binarism of emotion and reason, clashing with the pleasant impression that this beautiful expression makes on us? Having said that, we are actually interested in building a bridge between this "going back and forth to the other", in the sense of the "corazonar" of the Ecuadorian indigenous peoples (kitu kara), as well as our way of understanding/assuming it, which implies a relationship with what is represented, shaped by our intellectual task.

Author Biographies

Gilberto Ferreira da Silva, Universidade La Salle

Possui graduação em Filosofia (1989), Licenciado em Pedagogia (2023). Mestrado (1997) e doutorado(2001) em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Realizou estágio de Pós-doutorado na Universidade de Barcelona (UB) (2009/2010). Atualmente faz parte do corpo de pareceristas: - Mouseion Revista Eletrônica, - Diálogo (Canoas) (1519-3640), Educação Realidade (UFRGS). Foi editor-chefe da Revista Educação, Ciência e Cultura de 2007 a 2014. É Editor desde 2017 da Revista Educação, Ciência e Cultura (Unilasalle/Canoas).

Silvia Valiente, Universidad Nacional de Catamarca

Investigadora Adjunta del Instituto Regional De Estudios Socio-Culturales (IRES); (CONICET - UNCA). Profesora de Antropología General de la Escuela de Arqueología. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (EDA-UNCA) 

Alejandro De Oto, Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Investigador Principal de CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) y Profesor de Metodología de la investigación filosófica en la Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan. 


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How to Cite

Silva, G. F. da, Valiente, S., & Oto, A. D. (2025). The beautiful gesture of corazoning and the risk of reintroducing the reason-emotion binarism. Education, 50(1), e9/1–19.