The Singular/Plural subject in high modernity – life narratives, narrative identity, continuing education and human development
(Auto)biographical method, Human Education, Permanent Education.Abstract
The research is characterized as a longitudinal study that aims to understand persons' singular/plural life trajectories in continuing education in complex times of high modernity as a strategic possibility establishing a political life. The study operates in two aspects of the (auto)biographical research, unfolding into 3 subprojects, each with network research in development. Strand I aims to study the life trajectories of outstanding educators and aims to illuminate their representation in the History of Brazilian Education, understood with regard to continued personal/professional training with the inclusive (re)constitution of identity and the respective teaching action, methodologically worked through the construction of Life Stories, at the same time that it coordinates national network research regarding educators who stand out in several Brazilian states (subproject I). Strand II works methodologically with Research-Training, adding objectives that aim to understand possibilities of (re)constitution of identities of teachers and students, via continued training, through autobiographical narratives verbalized in the construction of Training Memoirs by postgraduate students in Education and graduating in Pedagogy (subproject II). In both aspects I and II, we focus on verticalizing the study by developing an increasingly more elaborate understanding of the epistemological and theoretical methodological dimensions of (auto)biographical research and its translation into human formation practices (subproject III). All these studies are considered practices that generate human development, especially in complex and uncertain times related to the high modernity in which we live, which provide metacognitive contributions, through the exercise of autobiographical reflexivity practiced by the subject of the training itself.
Key-words: (Auto)biographical method Human Education, Permanent Education.
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