Pedagogical use of the interactive digital whiteboard by teachers
Interactive digital whiteboard, Teacher training, Digital technologiesAbstract
This study presents the results of a research that aimed to analyze teachers' perceptions about the use of Digital Technologies (DT), using the Interactive Digital Whiteboard (LDI) in the teaching and learning process, considering the proposed challenge due to technological advancement. The study population was made up of 30 teachers from the Federal Institute of Sergipe (IFS), Estância-SE. The methodology used was a case study, with qualitative and quantitative nature and indicators, with an exploratory approach. Data collection was carried out through document analysis, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires sent by email to teachers who teach in secondary education in the subsequent, integrated and higher education modalities. After using the LDI in their practical activities, the participants answered a questionnaire to assess the clarity, coherence, consistency, relevance and effectiveness of the instruments used. The results revealed that teachers used the LDI, but they also highlighted the importance of training teachers to effectively use this tool, as they recognized that they faced challenges during its use. In this sense, this study seeks to contribute to current discussions about the insertion of DT in the educational context. It is concluded, therefore, that the effective integration of LDI in the educational environment requires a comprehensive approach, which involves not only the availability of these technologies, but also pedagogical planning and the professional qualification of teachers. This made it possible to explore the benefits of these tools in the teaching and learning process and promote updated and interactive education.
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