Capital press letters in student’s notebooks: from emergence to predominance in literacy
Capital print letter, Student notebooks, LiteracyAbstract
This article aims to present the analyzes related to the teaching of capital letters and the discussions that made it gain stability in the school space. In order to carry out this study, 161 notebooks of students from the period from 1990 to 2015 were consulted, safeguarded in a Memory Center in the South Region/RS (Hisales). The methodology developed was the historiographical operation as a researcher's production that associates a (social) place with different analysis procedures (practices) and the construction of a writing. The organization of the data that emerged from the students' notebooks made it possible to organize two large sets, the first of the concomitance of the letters and the second of the exclusivity of a typeface on all pages of the notebooks. Thus, from the analysis it was possible to perceive that the capital letter appeared for the first time in the notebooks of the students present in the center in the 1990s, however only concomitantly with other typologies and that from 2005 exclusively. In order to understand the presence of capital letters, it was essential to analyze the books Psychogenesis of written language (FERREIRO & TEBEROSKY, 2007), the Literacy Trilogy (GROSSI, 1990) and documents from curricular policies and teacher training and literacy programs, among them, Pró-Letramento – Mobilization for the Quality of Education (2008) and National Pact for Literacy in the Right Age (2012). In short, all the cited references contributed to understanding the phenomenon of capital letters in students' notebooks.
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