Health Intercultural Education: ADesirable Debate in the School Sciences Curricula?
Health Intercultural Education, Science Education, SchoolAbstract
This articleaims to dialogue with the academic research about teacher education and pedagogical practice in Science in elementary school, focusing on the concept of health intercultural education. Exploring various theoretical, documentary and empirical sources, a dialectic relationship is designed between the potential represented by the educational appropriation of the concepts of health, interculturality and critical reflexivity and the national academic debate. Nowadays, policies and studies on health education in elementary schools are very common. On the other hand, the national research on science teaching has become increasingly prolific, addressing the issues of health, interculturality and critical-reflexive training of teachers. However, joining these aspects in a single investigative and propositive effort remains incipient in Brazil. As a synthesis, the analysis approaches theoretical and practical aspects pointing out as viable a critical-reflexive formation that can help them understand their work as an autonomous and collective research exercise in cooperation with the academy, reconfiguring didactics and the school curriculum as fields of construction of meanings and practices intercultural and healthy.
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