The influence of information technologies on experiences experienced in the childhood education area
Educação Infantil. Tecnologias da Informação. Estudos Culturais.Abstract
The purpose of this essay is to discuss the possible influences of information technologies on the perceptions of time and space in early childhood education, experienced by children and teachers. It is assumed that, nowadays there is a time and a space mediated by information technologies, which build ways of being and being in the world in which the effects of globalization are perceived in different spheres such as Education, from Early Childhood Education to Teaching Higher. The current society provides information technologies available to teachers and other members of the professional teams of educational institutions. With Cultural Studies, we tried to understand the concept of globalization and problematize it about the influences for the teacher, specifically that of Early Childhood Education, examining the mechanisms of accelerated information consumption in the current times. We seek in the trajectory of Early Childhood Education in Brazil the scenario to test the influences of information technologies in educational spaces, observing their influences on children and adults inserted in these places.
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