Do I need to do teaching internship? – Internship as a primordial formative experience
Internship, Teacher training, Teaching practice.Abstract
Although it has been assumed for some time by the literature of the area, as a promising field for the implementation of praxis in teacher education, the lack of recognition of the important role of internship in undergraduate courses, unfortunately, has not yet been overcome. In an attempt to resume the discussion of its importance in the formative process of future teachers and assuming a design that seeks a shared and collaborative reflective process between university and school, I bring as a trigger to the debate excerpts from the field diary of a pedagogy student of a public university from São Paulo. Taking Freire's defense of moving from a “naive curiosity” to an “epistemological curiosity”, the internship is seen as a primordial space for the construction of “right thinking”, in which the experienced mobilizations help in the investigation of different themes and the construction syntheses from the already studied and discovered, allowing a formative leap for all involved.
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