Metacognição, computer programming and robotics: um mapping of teses in Portuguese language not educational field
Metacognição, Computer Programming, RoboticsAbstract
Objective-it will be analyzed that theoretical and practical aspects of metacognição, computer programming and robotics are being addressed in teses produced in Portuguese language not in the field of Education. In view of this, a quali-quantitative, exploratory approach is proceeded through predominantly bibliographic procedures, of the conhecimento status. For the delimitation of the documentary corpus, filters will be carried out in the period from 2013 to 2017, constants will not be included in the Catalog of Teses and Dissertações da Capes, Programs of Poster-Graduação em Educação with note 7, no system of Avaliação Capes, RCAAP and B-On. Num process of rupture of loans, 57 filtered foram investigations, resulting in 17 tests for analysis. For this, it uses three categories gerais: computer program, metacognição; scratch, metacognição; y Robotics, metacognição. Além dessas, outras quatro specific: computer programming; robotics; y scratch; metacognição. In this case, by way of an analysis of the title, you give chavras-chave, of the summary and of the sum, 13 theses contemplating the categories, being considered three as gerais and adding thematic subjects in research. Or I am associating these thematic ones, the promissor, pois, diante das fontes pesquisadas, shows the nature of research in this area. On the other hand, it allows an extension to a state of art that will be able to validate or result obtained.
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