Alphabetization and literacy: what the academic’s perceptions and practices of the pedagogy course?


  • Helen Denise Daneres Lemos
  • Helenise Sangoi Antunes


Alphabetization, Literacy, Initial formation.


This article present some analyses and results related the master’s research called: Academic’s Perceptions in the Pedagogy Course about Alphabetization and Literacy in the Initial Years, that centralized its attention on the initial formation of teachers, detaching the final period of graduation, called Supervision Probation. Starting of a qualitative boarding, based in the Bogdan; Biklen’s studies (1994), developed the “Life’s History” biographic method. In the sense, were interviewed two academics of Pedagogy Course, with the main purpose to investigate their perceptions about alphabetization and literacy and the connections between the personal life experiences, the initial formation and the educative practice accomplished in the supervision probation. The analysis’s results starting this interviews, prove the predominant concepts from academic’s initial formation, as well as were obvious the interactions about personal dimension and academic’s educative practices in the probation. Researches about the initial and continuous formation of teachers, giving value to personal and life’s professional perspectives, were important because they represent a dimension, yet little investigated, answering questions about initial formatives processes of the teachers.

How to Cite

Lemos, H. D. D., & Antunes, H. S. (2008). Alphabetization and literacy: what the academic’s perceptions and practices of the pedagogy course?. Education, 33(2), 241–260. Retrieved from



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