From experiment to experimentation: active methodology in the teaching of trigonometry
Activity, Trigonometry, Triangle Rectangle, Experiences, Active MethodologyAbstract
This paper aims to compile and test activities in the areas of mathematics, demanding the active participation of students, through experiments and trials, joining dialog to theory as a methodological option that is, aiming to insert mathematics through active experiments to reproduce, in the classroom, students` daily activities. In this sense, a reflexion about the needs to turn mathematics more attractive was made, where the classroom is not an isolated space, but providing a discussion space to unite theories and practices with the aim of training active students in their teaching and learning process. This activity model was developed in a school in Rosario do Sul – RS, with a 9th grade middle school, with 12 students and realized through four distinct moments: introduction to initial concepts, laboratorial trials, real world trials using an app, and, finally, performing calculations and discussing their results. At the end of this paper it was possible to realize that the students made significant gains in their learnings confirming that it is possible to perform mathematics through practical activities and with ludic experiences on final years of middle school.
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