O papel da história como ferramenta de educação ambiental nas escolas de educação infantil


  • Juliana Andréia Christ Schizzi Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Clayton Hillig Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS




History, Environment education, Child education, Tool


This work is the result of research that aims at analyzing matters dealing with EnvironmentEducation, historiographic interpretation and the evolution of these processes. Checking theperception of teachers, workers, directors, active professionals in child education, analyzing whatthey are doing and or cooperating that in fact Environment Education become effective in schools.The role of History as a subject that seeks human and social development, to cooperate with theseprojects and if this cooperation exists.The role of History is seen as a tool for the formation ofcitizenship and to analyze the connection of Environment History with current reality and itstransformation along the years, as well as checking how Environment Education is done at thebase of our society / the children, by the people that handle it – the teachers; to analyze theenvironment perception of children after performing practical environment education activities atEMEI Paraíso da Criança, in the city of Horizontina – RS, with 4 / 5 year old children; motivatingchildren with practical activities. Realized with the completion of that environment education neds to be further elaboborated with the children clearly and objective, tutting theory into practicethrough projects where children are the performers.


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How to Cite

Schizzi, J. A. C., & Hillig, C. (2011). O papel da história como ferramenta de educação ambiental nas escolas de educação infantil. Monografias Ambientais, 2(2), 335–348. https://doi.org/10.5902/223613082791




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