Socioeconomic profile analysis of individual microentrepreneurs Shopping Independence Santa Maria-RS
Individual Micro Entrepreneur, Informal Economy, Indepenência Shopping CentreAbstract
The individual micro entrepreneur is self employed and legalized as a small businessman. It is perceived that this is a fast growing business category in Brazil as new autonomous business opportunities raise in the country. The aim of this article is to analyze the socioeconomic profile of micro entrepreneur individuals at Independência Shopping Centre in Santa Maria-RS-Brazil after the implementation of MEI. The methodology utilized in this research was based on primary data gathered from questionnaire assessment applied to store owners from the 4th to 9th November 2013. Results indicate that the majority of participants interviewed were literate, age ranged between 15 – 69 years old and have completed fundamental education. The data revealed that individuals’ quality of life has improved despite their decreasing profitability, also that there is considerable diverging opinions with respect to the advantages and disadvantages of local shop owners being relocated to the Shopping Centre premises. It was concluded that despite the improvement in shop owners´ social well-being, entrepreneurs request more attention to be provided to their work establishment from the administrative Municipal level. Additionally, shop owners claim for more advertisement of the Shopping Centre as an attempt to enhance their own sales.Downloads
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