Characterization of soil in an area subject to spills resulting from landfill leachate
Contamination, Solid waste, SlurryAbstract
Population growth and consumerism in contemporary civilizations created, make the volume of waste generated is ever increasing, there is increasingly a need to give a correct destination of those materials that are discarded. Landfills are a counterpoint to the old way of disposal of solid waste, the landfill. With the major differences in soil sealing and coverage of periodic layers of trash with a layer of earth. Leaching and decomposition are natural processes that lead to formation of leachate. Therefore, this study aims to present the characterization of the soil in an area under the resulting slurry spill landfill, located in the municipality of Seberi-RS. Soil samples were collected from berehole manual, in 11(eleven) different points, two white dots. The results of laboratory analyzes show that the concentrations of potassium, have an average of 358,55 ± 147,87 mg kg-1, the concentrations of calcium showed an average of 1276,84 ± 398,8 mg kg-1the percentage of clay had an average of 47,55 ± 10,11 %, pH values in H2O had an average area of 5,2 ± 0,29, the area showed a mean of 3,43 ± 1.63% Aluminum concentrations showed a mean of 6,54 ± 4,20 mg kg-1. Some parameters when compared with white spots were considered a minor change, but it can be assumed that the exposed area is less vulnerable to contamination.
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