Physiological quality of Avena strigosa Schreb seed. cv. Common subjected to accelerated aging
Black Oats, Vincit® 50SC, Trichodel®, Biological control, Accelerated agingAbstract
Black oats has been one of the main species used as cover in winter, having its cultivation evolved in recent years in southern Brazil. The work aimed to evaluate the effect of the treatments of black Oat seeds subjected to accelerated aging. The treatments were: Witness without treatment; chemical fungicide Vincit® 50SC; Vincit® 50SC + biological product Trichodel® and Trichodel®. The doses were followed as the indication attached to each of these products for the cultivation of oats. The seeds, after treated were submitted to accelerated aging by 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours to 41°C. The variables analyzed were: germination, first count, abnormal seedlings, seeds, length of shoot and root length. The results show that the seeds treated with fungicide chemical associated with the organic product, and when it was used alone, showed the best performances for both germination and development of seedlings subjected to 48 hours of stress by accelerated aging. The aging period of 72 hours has damaged the physiological quality of seeds, regardless of the treatment used. It is concluded that seeds treated with the product Trichodel® presented a distinct behavior from others, however, with a numerical drop less drastic.Downloads
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