Letter to children in schools in Brazil





Experiences, Children, schools, Dreams, Education


Inspired by Glória Anzaldúa's letter to women writers from the Third World, I ask the author for poetic permission to write a letter addressed to the childhoods I have listened to in schools in Brazil and to propose a dialogue between the listening and the way they cross me, their speeches, and educator-researchers who have sought to think about children, experiences, and schools, aiming to find possibilities for a living life among the disharmonious and fragmented contents with which contemporary schools have fed them. Given the possibility of listening that has been generously offered by the children, I have been searching for the traces of dream promises for another possible school.


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Author Biography

Ana Cláudia Magnani Delle Piagge, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)

Doutoranda-Pesquisadora, também pela UNESP FCLAr, 


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How to Cite

Piagge, A. C. M. D. (2024). Letter to children in schools in Brazil. Revista Digital De Ensino De Filosofia - REFilo, 10(1), e14/1–14. https://doi.org/10.5902/2448065787202