Whose tragedy is this? Translating Arden of Faversham





Arden of Faversham, Intersemiotic Translation, William Shakespeare, Collaboration, Autthorship attribution, Intersemiotic translation


This article explores the considerations regarding the translation process of Arden of Faversham and the method employed to translate collaborative plays, based on Matthew Reynold's concept of "Prismatic Translation", followed by examples of relevant textual variations found in the three earlier editions of Arden of Faversham, as well as in the modern editions. I argue that by preserving textual differences based on different resources, the translation highlights the history of the text. It opens up possibilities accorded by the play’s material existence. These prospects are guided by the question in the title, which points to different perceptions, such as the words of the play-title, playtext, protagonists, and authorship.


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2021-03-11 — Updated on 2022-08-02


How to Cite

Bars Closel, R. A. (2022). Whose tragedy is this? Translating Arden of Faversham. Letras, 179–199. https://doi.org/10.5902/2176148556338 (Original work published March 11, 2021)

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