The 15 years of the Line of Epistemological Studies of Didactics in Physical Education in the 50th anniversary of the Center for Physical Education and Sports at UFSM
Physical Education, Corporal Culture, Historical MaterialismAbstract
We aim describe and situate the Line of Epistemological and Didactic Studies in Physical Education during its 15 years of existence within 50 years of CEFD/UFSM. In particular, we will describe your objectives and history, as well the theoretical and pedagogical assumptions that guide their activities. These are in line with the university triad: research, extension and teaching, in the light of the theoretical contributions of Historical and Dialectical Materialism, of Historical-Critical Pedagogy, of Critical-Overcoming Pedagogy and of Corporal Culture, in the clash with the irrationalist and relativistic propositions of postmodern theses that permeate the area in contemporary times. In this direction, Line actions, manifested in a political and scientific way, committed to socialist values, are capable of human and social transformation, since the content of this change is based on scientific knowledge objectified in a new social practice.Downloads
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