Contributions of assistive technologies to the educational inclusion of deaf individuals: a narrative review
Assistive Technologies, Deaf Person, Educational InclusionAbstract
This article investigates the contributions of assistive technologies to the educational inclusion of deaf individuals, highlighting the benefits for students' academic and social development. The research, conducted within the scope of the Doctoral Program in New Digital Technologies in Education at UniCarioca, employs a descriptive methodology with a qualitative approach, based on a narrative literature review. The study aims to understand how assistive technologies contribute to the inclusion and development of deaf students in educational settings. Publications from the last five years were analyzed, addressing the impact of these technologies on communication, academic progress, and social inclusion. The discussed technologies include software for text-to-sign language translation, real-time captioning, speech-to-sign language translation tools using artificial intelligence, and auditory technologies. In addition to the benefits, the article examines challenges such as the lack of public policies and insufficient teacher training and proposes recommendations to improve the implementation of assistive technologies in inclusive education.
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