Building personas of undergraduate students with ASD in the collaborative development of Digital Technology




Special Education; , Higher Education; , Autism Spectrum Disorder;, Digital technologies.


The academic and psychosocial inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in higher education can be favored with technological support. Digital information and communication technologies (DICTs) offer possibilities for inclusion, collaboration and the personalized adaptations needed by students in general, and autistic students in particular. In order to meet the needs of these students and ensure an adequate experience in the academic environment through technology, it is essential to get to know this audience, understand and share their experiences and expectations. In this sense, the aim of this article is to discuss an experience of building personas for university students with ASD, taking into account their motivations, difficulties and learning strategies, in the process of collaborative creation of digital technology. This is part of an interdisciplinary study - education, psychology, computing - with a qualitative approach, which aimed to develop an accessible digital technology for the psychosocial and academic inclusion of students with ASD. Interviews were conducted with eight students with ASD from two Brazilian universities, based on the Pathy methodology for data analysis and definition of personas. As a result, three personas (fictional characters) were defined, which embodied the main characteristics - personalities, motivations, frustrations, relationship with technologies - of the subjects involved, taking into account their particularities. The experience of building the personas highlighted the importance of the active participation of students in the process of creating digital technologies aligned with their real needs and inclusion in academic life.


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Author Biographies

Regina Célia Hostins, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

Master and PhD in Education Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2000; 2006). He completed his post-doctorate in 2013, at the Institute of Education, University College of London, England, with the collaboration of Prof Dr Stephen Ball, in the field of Sociology of Education, developing studies on Theoretical-methodological Approaches in Educational Policy Research. She is a Productivity-PQ-2 CNPq researcher and full-time professor in the Postgraduate Program in Education (Masters and Doctorate) at the University of Vale do Itajaí, SC. She coordinates the Research Group Observatory of Educational Policies, in which she develops research, subsidized by CNPq, CAPES and FAPESC and participates as a guest researcher at the Laboratory Observatory of School Practices, (OPE/UDESC) and in the Research Group Observatory of Special Education and Educational Inclusion (ObEE/UFRRJ). His research has been directed towards two axes of investigation: 1. Higher Education Policies (Undergraduate and Postgraduate); 2. Special Education Policies from the perspective of Inclusive Education.

Adriana Gomes Alves, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

PhD in Education from the University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI (2017), a Master's degree in Production Engineering (1999) and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (1987) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC. She works as a researcher and professor at UNIVALI in the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGE) and in the Professional Master's in Psychology (PPGP), in undergraduate courses in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Game Design. She is part of the research group Educational Policy Observatory, of which she is deputy leader, and the Studies and Research group Technologies Applied to Psychosocial Practices. She coordinates uLAB – Universal Design Multi-User Laboratory that integrates the areas of computing, design, education and psychology to create solutions in Digital Games, Assistive Technologies and Universal Learning Design for people with disabilities, with a participatory design approach.

Nathalia Adriana de Oliveira, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Vale do Itajaí – Univali (2023), and a researcher at uLAB – Universal Design Multi-User Laboratory where she develops research in Assistive Technologies and Universal Learning Design for people with disabilities, with an approach of participatory design. She works as a user experience designer.


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How to Cite

Hostins, R. C., Alves, A. G., & Oliveira, N. A. . de. (2024). Building personas of undergraduate students with ASD in the collaborative development of Digital Technology. Special Education Magazine, 37(1), e59/1–22.